Sources of Funding
The public and private institutions in the State of São Paulo can get access to financial resources offered by agencies dedicated to innovation, research and development of products and processes:
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Linked to the Department of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (SDECTI), it is one of the main agencies dedicated to developing scientific and technological research in Brazil. FAPESP offers plans and assistance in research into all areas of knowledge, in addition to funding other initiatives such as supporting investigation, exchange and dissemination of science and technology in the State of São Paulo.
Desenvolve SP – São Paulo Development Agency
Linked to the Department of Finance (SEFAZ), the Desenvolve SP offers lines of credit to small and medium enterprises, intended for working capital, acquisition of machinery and equipment, investment and franchises. The agency provides services to companies in the industrial, agribusiness, commercial and services sectors, offering terms favorable to those in the credit market.
Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES)
Linked to the Ministry of Planning, Development and Management (MPDG), its goal is to support endeavors that contribute to Brazil's economic and social development. BNDES offers support lines to investment projects and to projects involving the production and commercialization of new machinery and equipment manufactured in Brazil, as well as increasing Brazilian exports.
Banco do Povo Paulista (BPP) (São Paulo People's Bank)
It is a microcredit program developed by the State Government of São Paulo, through the Department of Employment and Labor Relations (SERT), in partnership with the São Paulo municipalities. This bank offers loans to individuals (from R$ 200 up to R$ 10,000) and small businesses (from R$ 200 up to R$15,000), at interest rates of 0.35% per month and loans of up to R$ 25,000 for cooperatives.
Research and Projects Financier (Finep)
Linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC), concedes refundable and non-refundable financing. The former is granted from private funds or derives from transfer funds, whereas the non-refundable financing is made using funds from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT).
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes)
Linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), it develops activities focused on five large lines of action: assessment of Master’s and PhD’s programs; access and dissemination of scientific production; investment in formation of high quality resources abroad and in Brazil; promotion of international scientific cooperation; and induction and fomentation of initial and continued education of teachers in basic education.
National Science and Technology Development Council (CNPq)
Linked to the MCTIC, the CNPq works to promote scientific and technology research and qualification of human assets for research in Brazil. The scholarships offered are directed at high school, undergraduate, post-graduate students and recent PhDs and experienced researchers. The scholarships may be individual (requested directly) or shared (obtained through education and research institutions and post-graduate courses).
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