02/08/2008 09h57

Sales in industry go 5.1% up in 2007

Folha de S. Paulo - 02/08/2008

Falling interest rates, credit on the rise, growing salaries and the heated world economy contributed for the industry to end up 2007 with a 5.1% sale increase, a much higher percentage than the 0.8% registered in 2006. As these factors will hardly be together this year, the industries project a deceleration of the rhythm of the activity. The CNI (National Confederation of the Industry) evaluates that the reduction of the activity will not be significant. The forecast is 5% for 2008. But it still may prevent the sector from advancing at full steam. The factories started 2008 with their stocks at low levels and at a fast pace. According to the CNI, should the performance of December be kept, the sales and the hours worked in the production will have a guaranteed minimum increase of 4.8% and 2.7%, respectively. For the industry, the effects of the American financial crisis on the international commerce may only start being felt by the Brazilian economy as of the second half of the year, affecting, at a first moment, the exportations, which are responsible for nearly 15% of the industrial production. In addition to the 5.1% increase in sales in 2007, the industrial sector registered an increase of 4% in amount of hours worked, 3.8% in the number of employed people and 4.9% in the paid remunerations. Three segments alone (machinery and equipment, automobiles and foods and beverages) were responsible for 60% of the increase in sales. The segment of machinery grew 17.9%. The segment of vehicles went 7.8% up; transportation equipment, 16.8%; and foods and beverages, 5.5%.