02/18/2019 12h41

Interactive map provides information on the 645 cities of the State of São Paulo with just a click

SP in Maps, in Investe SP portal, was updated with the latest information from public socioeconomic databases; tool helps to show the potential of each city in the State of São Paulo

Investe São Paulo

Investe São Paulo updated "SP in Maps" data, an interactive on-line tool that gathers several data about the cities in the State of São Paulo. Filled with the most recent information, the map enables the user to compare and better understand the socioeconomic characteristics of the cities of São Paulo.

"SP in maps is an excellent way of learning more about the cities in the State. Data from official statistical agencies are concentrated on a report with relevant and easily accessible information that enables the initial analysis of how attractive a city is for a particular type of business," said Sérgio Costa, investment director of Investe São Paulo.

In addition to comparing data from different cities, the tool shows the various territorial divisions of the State, available infrastructure, educational institutions, as well as research and innovation institution. The tool can also be used to verify how the local labor market is composed, the number of people employed, and the percentage share of each sector in the economic activity.

SP in maps enables the user to print the available information or save it to their computer. The data shown by the tool is a representative picture of each city. This is useful for municipal administrations, which can see what points need improvement in order to attract more investment.

Location of areas

The search for places with the proper characteristics for a particular business sector can begin with a search in the SP in Maps. For Investe SP, however, this data is only the starting point for the location of areas, one of the main free services offered by the Agency.

Investe São Paulo team uses geostatistics tools to analyze the needs of the investment projects in an individualized way. Companies are provided with tailored information to their type of activity. Based on that, the investor feels more confident to make the decision of investing and establishing their business in a place that will best serve them.