17 of the 25 most sought-after startups in Brazil are in the State of São Paulo
LinkedIn’s ranking evaluated four criteria to define the most attractive startups to work for in the country
Investe São PauloThe ability to be attractive is one of the key characteristics of successful companies.Good ideas need professionals who are able to implement them and thus generate the expected positive impact on society.
LinkedIn conducted an assessment whose starting point was the analysis of the actions performed by its 575 million users.The ranking posted evaluated four criteria:employee growth, jobseeker interest in the company, user engagement with the company and its employees; and how well the startups pulled talent from LinkedIn’s Top Companies List.
Of the 25 startups listed as the most attractive, 17 are based in the State of São Paulo.Most of them are in the state capital.However, there are companies whose operational bases are within the state.This is the case of BeBlue, a startup from Ribeirão Preto, which returns to its users a percentage of purchases made in partner establishments.
According to the head of the ecosystem of startups of Investe SP, Franklin Ribeiro, one of the factors that explains the ranking posted by the social network is the fact that São Paulo has an environment that integrates everything startups need for their establishment and development .Thus, the state becomes more attractive for people seeking job opportunities.
“São Paulo has the most developed ecosystem of support to startups in Brazil.Here entrepreneurs have broad access to talented professionals, accelerators, mentors, events, innovation hubs, broad market, among other elements that make up the network of support to businesses.Obviously, there is plenty of room to move forward.Thus, the expectation for the future is challenging and exciting at the same time.Startups are a business reality and have great potential to help the state economy grow even more,” he says.
For Rodrigo Dantas, CEO of Vindi, which facilitates the collection of recurring subscriptions and payments, “an ecosystem with more mature startups than elsewhere and the speed to establish new contacts are advantages that can be found in the state of São Paulo.”The company has been experiencing a rapid growth and has absorbed three other startups since 2016. This is one of the reasons why it is one of the most sought-after companies to work for.
The state of São Paulo has consolidated itself as the integrator of startups in Latin America.In addition to attracting talented people, companies in the state have been able to raise financial investments for their growth.
According to data from the Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA), Brazil received, in 2017, 45.4% of the total invested in Latin America.In total, Brazilian startups received US$ 859 million in investments, US$ 564.5 million of which were invested in startups based in cities in São Paulo.
One of the highlights last year was the US$200 million investment in 99, a company founded by former students of the Polytechnic School of USP.The startups Creditas, GuiaBolso and CargoX received US$ 60.5 million, US$ 39 million and US$ 20 million in investments, respectively.The three are among the 25 most sought-after startups and lead their actions in the state capital.