Environmental licensing
The issuing of environmental licenses and authorizations, permits and other documents is made by the Environmental Company of São Paulo (Cetesb), agency of the Department of Environment which operates through Environmental Agencies located in all regions of the state.
On the Cetesb website, there are information about projects and activities subject to the issuing of environmental permits, the legislation on the matter, the price of permits and the situation of the licensing process analysis and intervention under analysis by the agency, among other information.
Other entities
Companhia de Saneamento básico do Estado de São Paulo - Sabesp
(São Paulo State Sanitation Company)
It analyzes the requests for connections and extensions of sanitation networks in more than half of municipalities of the State.
Rua Costa Carvalho, 300 - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 05429-900
Phone: (+5511)3388-8000 / FAX (+5511)3813-3587
Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica - DAEE
(Water and Power Department)
It issues the authorization, concession or license (Decree) to make use of waters: rivers, lakes or underground waters.
Rua Butantã, 285, 5º andar - Pinheiros - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 05424-140
Phones: (+5511) 3814-9011 / 3813-9055 / FAX (+5511) 3812-2623
Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral - DNPM
(National Department of Mineral Production)
It is associated with the Ministério de Minas e Energia (Ministry of Mining and Energy) and controls and audits mining activities.
2º Distrito - SP: Rua Loefgren, 2225 - Vila Clementino - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 04040-033
Phone: (+5511) 5571-8395 / 5549-6157 / 5549-5533
E-mail: [email protected]
Empresa Paulista de Planejamento Metropolitano - Emplasa
(State Company of Metropolitan Planning)
It is responsible for the Sistema Cartográfico Metropolitano - SCM (Metropolitan Cartographical System), composed of aerial pictures, cartographical bases and analog and digital thematic mappings. It advises the Municipalities in the elaboration of their Urban Directives Planning, among other functions
Rua Boa Vista, 170 - Centro - 01014-000 - São Paulo - SP
Phones: (+5511) 3293-5300 / FAX (+5511) 3101-9660
Grupo de Análise e Aprovação de Projetos Habitacionais - GRAPROHAB
(Group of Analysis and Approval of Housing Projects)
It is composed by representatives of public service bureaus and companies related to housing and infrastructure.. This group aims at speeding up the process of approval of housing projects. It decides on the concession or not of the Certificate of Approval and the issuance of the Reports of Refusal or Technical Requirements of the Projects
Avenida Nove de Julho, 4927/39 - 1st floor Block B - Jd. Paulistano - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 01407-200
Phone: (+5511) 3078-5911 / Fax (+5511) 3078-4700
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais - Ibama
(Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)
It operates mainly in the licensing of large infrastructure projects that involve environmental impacts across more than one state, and in the oil and gas activities on the continental shelf.
SCEN Trecho 2 - Ed. Sede - Cx. Postal nº 09566 - CEP 70818-900 - Brasília-DF
Phones: (+5561) 3316-1212
Instituto Florestal
(Forestry Institute)
It intervenes in the forestry sector and has the authority over permanent preservation forests, and executes reforesting as a forestry enterprise, having conservationist, technical and economical motivation.
Rua do Horto, 931 - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 02377-000
Phone: (+5511) 6231-8555
Instituto Geológico
(Geological Institute)
It operates in scientific research aiming to support the environmental management, serving the Public Prosecutor's office, the federal, state and municipal public administration bureaus, environmental organizations and communities for the emission of reports, opinions and technical inspections to form the basis of public actions in environmental issues.
Av. Miguel Stéfano, 3.900 - São Paulo (SP) - CEP: 04301-903
Phone: (+5511) 5077-1155 / FAX. (+5511) 5077-2219
Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária - Incra
(National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform)
It conducts studies and diagnoses aimed at the environmental licensing of the areas under process of being acquired for the purpose of land reform and the settlement projects that have already been created and managed within the federal government level.
Superintendência Regional de São Paulo
(São Paulo Regional Office)
Rua Dr. Brasílio Machado, 203 - São Paulo (SP) - CEP 01230-906
Phones: (+5511) 3823-8513 / 3825-2558
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