São Paulo is prominent in the Aerospace and Defense industry in Latin America. The state has the largest aerospace hub in the region, located in São José dos Campos. Among the largest manufacturers in the world, Embraer S.A. is the anchor company of this cluster and, together with other companies operating in the sector, it develops its processes and products for the commercial and business aviation segments in São Paulo, in addition to integrated solutions for defense, security and systems.
The Industry
The state economy accounts for almost all of the Brazilian aerospace industry, evidencing the predominant presence of the state in this industry.
In 2014, according to data from the latest Annual Industry Survey released by IBGE, São Paulo accounted for 92.6% of net sales and 94.6% of the value of industrial transformation of the industry in Brazil.
According to data from the Annual Social Information Report 2015 (Rais) of the Ministry of Labor, Brazil has 82 establishments for the manufacture of aircraft, of which 51 are located in the State of São Paulo. Still according to Rais 2015, in relation to the labor market, São Paulo accounts for 95.6% of jobs in the industry.
The industry also stands out in exports from São Paulo. São Paulo accounts for 9% of exports of the Brazilian aircraft industry. In addition, exports in this industry grew 9.1% in 2016 compared to 2015, compared to a 1.4% growth in the total value of state exports, thus reflecting the importance of this industry to the state economy. The main buying countries in 2016 were the United States, China and Japan.
Why invest in the aerospace industry in the state of São Paulo?
The state has gained national and international prominence in the industry;
It offers modern R&D centers aimed at the aerospace industry;
Headquarters of the Brazilian Aerospace Cluster, with technology-based incubators;
Presence of Embraer’s production plants and other companies in the industry;
It houses the main suppliers of parts and services in Latin America.
Serving more than 90 airlines in 61 countries, Embraer stands out as the third largest manufacturer of commercial jets in the world. In business aviation, it has delivered over 850 jets in 50 countries. With these numbers, the Company is consolidated among the largest forces worldwide.
The company also operates in the defense industry, through Embraer Defense & Security. The subsidiary offers a complete line of integrated solutions and Command and Control applications (C4I); Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR); radars and space.
In Brazil, the company has manufacturing units with engineering, development and manufacturing activities in São José dos Campos (SP), Gavião Peixoto (SP) and Botucatu (SP), as well as offices and units in Taubaté, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Sorocaba and Campinas.
With a global presence, Embraer also has factories abroad, in Melbourne (USA), Évora (Portugal) and Harbin (China). In addition, it has offices and units in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, United Arab Emirates, China and Singapore. This presence allows Embraer to be the fifth largest exporter in Brazil.
Brazilian Aerospace Cluster
The Brazilian Aerospace Cluster is a Local Productive Arrangement headquartered in the Technology Park of São José dos Campos (PqTec). The cluster hosts more than 100 companies from different regions of the country, promoting synergy between the companies in the Brazilian aerospace industry, as well as its national and international competitiveness.
Embraer is the anchor company of this productive arrangement, and the one that boosted the creation of this aerospace supply chain. Several benefits are offered to the participants of this arrangement, such as the participation in national and international trade fairs, trade missions, business roundtables, formation of consortia. In addition, there are programs aimed at internationalization, training and achievement of certifications.
Research & Development
Technology Park of São José dos Campos (PqTec)
A area covering 188,000 square meters focused on applied scientific and technological production. It hosts technology-based companies, the School of Technology (Fatec) and the Light Structures Laboratory of IPT.
The Park offers companies space and basic infrastructure to house their facilities and personnel. It also offers management training services and opportunities to promote networking with other companies, research institutions and funding agencies.
It has contracts and agreements for partnerships and subsidies with Finep, APEX, ABDI, Sebrae, SDECTI/SP, BNDES. It also has cooperation agreements with aerospace clusters in Canada, Sweden, England, the Netherlands, in addition to two Chinese technology parks and government institutions.
Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)
Higher education for professionals in aviation-oriented specialties. The institute also has undergraduate courses, specialization, university extension and graduate courses.
National Institute for Space Research (Inpe)
Agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology that operates in the fields of space and atmosphere science, space applications, meteorology, space engineering and technology.
Light Structures Laboratory (LEL)
Research center associated with the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) offers innovations applied to the manufacturing process of parts and light structures. The LEL seeks to develop new solutions and technology for industrial production.
Department of Science and Aerospace Technology (CTA)
Sector of the Brazilian Air Force that coordinates efforts in the areas of technology, education and aerospace activities.
Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE)
It promotes research and development activities in the aerospace field, focused on the areas of materials, sounding rockets, war systems, aerospace systems, atmospheric sciences, flight tests and aerospace components.
Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv)
The IEAv operates in key sectors for national defense: space, cyber and nuclear, promoting the research and development of technologies, searching access to space. It is research lines include: aerothermodynamics and hypersonic, geointelligence, lasers, optics and applications, sensors, actuators and semiconductor devices for power generation, and applied nuclear technology.
Institute of Industrial Promotion and Coordination (IFI)
The institute is responsible for the military and space certification of products of the aerospace industry, standardization programs, metrology, industrial quality and technology transfer, in addition to being accredited to provide the industries the ISO 9000 certificate.
Institute for Flight Research and Testing (Inpev)
Execution of flight test activities, staff training and coordination of the CTA crew in the training and development of administrative support missions.
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