04/25/2017 15h00

With just one click, interactive map shows geo-economic data of the 645 municipalities of São Paulo

SP in Maps, on the website of Investe SP, was updated with the latest information from public databases of geographic and economic information; tool helps investors find a suitable location for their business

Investe São Paulo

Investe São Paulo updated data available on São Paulo in Maps, an online interactive tool that brings together various data about all municipalities of São Paulo.The map now includes the latest information that allows users to compare and better understand the socio-economic and geographical characteristics of each region of the state.

“SP in Maps has always had a high number of hits on our website, and it is a great alternative for investors to get an idea about the state, even before our staff show them the information in a more personalized manner.It is the first contact of investors with the municipalities,” said Ermínio Lucci, director of investment projects at Investe SP.

In addition comparing data of different municipalities, the tool shows the various territorial divisions of the state, the available infrastructure (waterways, ports, airports, highways, etc.), the availability of educational institutions, and research and innovation institutions.It is also possible to use the tool to check the number of companies and people employed in each sector of economic activity.

“The combination of data allows anyone to print complex and diversified reports on different subjects.No other state body has managed to provide such unification to date.The available data also shows the scenario of each municipality – the municipal governments can see which points should improve to attract more investments,” said Sérgio Costa, director of Institutional Relations of the Agency.

Site location

The task of assessing the characteristics of the municipalities of São Paulo to help businesses find the most suitable sites for their investments can start with a search on São Paulo in Maps.But at Investe SP, these data are only the starting point for the location of sites, one of the main services offered free of charge by the Agency.

When a company joins Investe SP's client portfolio, the agency’s first step is to understand the project as thoroughly as possible.The team of analysts, managers and specialists analyzes aspects ranging from the needs for natural resources, logistics and urban infrastructure, to the location of customers, competitors and partners.

Based on that, a large list of municipalities that correspond to the investor’s needs is prepared.This list contains information that are even more specific than those shown on SP in Maps, and is done individually for each project.

As the work progresses, the list is tapered, leading to a list of cities and properties that can be used in the implementation of the investment project.Followed by the preliminary visits and assessments of land, meetings with municipal administrators, discussions about incentives, among other activities.

After choosing the project site, Investe SP makes a connection between the investor and the public utilities to provide the entire infrastructure required for the business.The agency also provide assistance in the environmental licensing process in order to expedite the process with the entities involved.

The service continues even after the opening of the industrial plant, since the investment promotion agency becomes a partner of the company that will always assist it in the dialogue with governmental entities, especially within the state.