02/14/2017 11h17

Municipality of Sorocaba and Investe SP meet to discuss investment attraction

Meeting took place at the agency’s headquarters in São Paulo last Wednesday

Investe São Paulo
Download Francisco Rosa/ISP

“The work of Investe SP needs to be in harmony with the municipalities", said Costa

In a meeting held on January 18 the director of Investe São Paulo, Sérgio Costa, welcomed the secretary of Economic Development and Labor of Sorocaba, Roberto Freitas. During the meeting, Costa explained to the secretary how the investment promotion work is carried out by Investe São Paulo.

The complete service provided to investors was detailed during the meeting. The agency’s director presented the advisory services available free of charge to companies, showing the importance of the information provided by the local governments to the technical staff of the agency.

“The work of Investe SP needs to be in harmony with the municipalities. Our partnership is essential for an investment to settle in the state of São Paulo. When investors make a decision in relation investments, they look at the region as a whole, but plants operate in the cities, it is where everything happens. The actions of the local government is decisive for both the company and society to reap the successful results of a productive unit,” said Costa.

The secretary of Sorocaba detailed the plans of the new municipal administration to attract new companies and businesses. He is willing to work with the agency, thus following the best practices to attract investments. In addition, he stressed that he can already see opportunities with the use of the agency’s services to assist companies wishing to expand their production in the city.