12/04/2013 15h40

Investe SP honors 16 companies during local award

The award highlights businesses who received support from the Agency and have already initiated operating

Investe São Paulo

AGC, Ajinomoto, Caterpillar, Comil Ônibus, Duratex, Embraer, GE Transportation, Gerdau, Hyundai, IBM, John Deere, Liebherr, Martifer, Melhoramentos CMPC, Natura and Toshiba Medical do Brasil are set to recieve, this Thursday (December 5th) at 7:30 PM., honors from the São Paulo State Government, at the Noble Hall of the Palácio dos Bandeirantes.

The Investe São Paulo Award, name of the event, is at its second edition and is set up by the agency Investe São Paulo itself. The companies listed have made investments with the support of the agency and are already acting on the state. Together, these businesses have invested around R$ 12,6 billion and have created 5.082 jobs.

Na ocasião também haverá o lançamento do oficial do portal Encontre um Sócio, ferramenta on-line gratuita criada pela Investe SP para ajudar os empreendedores a encontrar sócios, investidores, representantes, distribuidores e parceiros para transferência de tecnologia ou qualquer outra atividade. A novidade vem junto com a reformulação do site institucional da Investe SP.

The occasion will also mark the launching of the remade website for Investe São Paulo, with many new features; amongst them, the new webtool “Find a Business Partner”, created by the agency to help businesses in finding partners interested on forming working relations.

2º Prêmio Investe SP II Investe SP Award

Date: December 5th, 2013 (Thursday)

Time: 7:30 PM

Place: Noble Hall – Palácio dos Bandeirantes

Address: Av. Morumbi, 4500 – São Paulo – SP