01/09/2015 18h09

Investe SP and Emplasa join to create indicators of competitiveness

Agencies enter into an agreement establishing a working group between the two companies; Data will subsidize the Council on Competitiveness and Macrometropolis Action Plan

Investe São Paulo
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The agreement was signed by the President of Investe SP, Luciano Almeida, and the president of Emplasa, Renato Viegas

Investe São Paulo and Emplasa entered into an agreement to jointly develop indicators of competitiveness for the state of São Paulo, focusing on its Macrometropolis. The document was signed on December 18 at the office of the investment promotion agency of São Paulo.

The two institutions will form a technical working group, defining indicators and methodologies for assessment and evaluation. The idea is that the system created is capable of following the results proposed in the Macrometropolis Action Plan (MAP) 2013-2014, the strategic planning for the macro-region launched by Emplasa in late 2011.

The establishment of the covenant is directly associated with the action of the Council on Competitiveness of São Paulo, a joint committee that brings together representatives of the State Government and the private sector to discuss public policies that promote the economic development of São Paulo. Therefore, the indicators created will be useful both to monitor the actions of MAP and in the actions of the Council.

During the meeting held for the agreement execution, the planning director of Emplasa, Rovena Negreiros, presented the project portfolio of the Macrometropolis Plan. Then, the advisor of the Board of Investe SP, Laura Barbosa, and the representative of the unit of Economic Studies and Monitoring of Urban and Regional Dynamics of Emplasa, Ana Paula Rocha, presented the work plan that will guide the creation of the indicator of competitiveness.

About the Macrometropolis Action Plan

The Macrometropolis Action Plan (MAP) is a long-term planning tool that helps the formulation and implementation of public policies and government actions for the territory of the Macrometropolis of São Paulo (MMP). Launched in 2011, the Plan is in its second phase and relied on the collaboration of 12 state departments. The next step is to define the scenario desired for 2040, the base year for defining strategies of action. The MAP covers four institutionalized metropolitan regions of the state – São Paulo, Campinas, Baixada Santista and Vale do Paraíba and Litoral Norte –, the urban agglomerations of Sorocaba, Jundiaí and Piracicaba, and the micro-regions of Bragantina and São Roque. For more information, please visit: http://www.emplasa.sp.gov.br/newsletter/maio/interno/caracteristicas_objetivos.asp

About Emplasa

Empresa Paulista de Planejamento Metropolitano SA – Emplasa is an entity associated with the State Secretariat of the Civil Office. Founded in 1974 – and formally established in 1975 – to manage the planning of Greater São Paulo, the only metropolitan region existing at the time, the company’s actions are currently focused on the territory of São Paulo Macrometropolis - MMP.