Eren do Brasil starts installation of 3 solar parks in Dracena
Initiative will supply energy to more than 80 thousand houses. Project is supported by Investe São Paulo
Investe São PauloEren do Brasil, a subsidiary of Total Eren dedicated to supplying renewable energy, has announced the schedule for the installation of 3 solar parks (of 30 MW each) in the city of Dracena, in the Metropolitan Region of Presidente Prudente. The project is expected to generate 200 direct jobs during the construction and had the support of Investe São Paulo – Agência de Promoção e Competitividade do Estado, which assisted Eren with tax, environment and infrastructure-related matters.
With this investment, the French-origin company now totals 140 MW (megawatts) in projects so far contracted in Brazil. In Dracena, the installation of approximately 250 thousand photovoltaic panels, which will cover an area of 160 hectares, will be enough to provide energy to 80 thousand houses. Juliano Brito Bertolini, the mayor of Dracena, said: “These plants that are being installed will change the energy grid of our region. A clean and renewable type of energy.”
To make the project viable, Eren had the support of Investe São Paulo as a tax advisor and to monitor the process of environmental licensing with Cetesb. There was also a joint participation with Iphan and the State Office of Finance.
“After two plants located in Bahia, Eren has arrived in State of São Paulo with 3 solar parks in Dracena, and the impact will be very positive. To Investe São Paulo, it is very important to be able to act as a partner in initiatives that foster the green economy and, in this case, allow the generation of energy for an ever increasing number of people,” Sérgio Costa, director of Investments of the Agency, analyzed. Pierre-Emmanuel Moussafir, the country manager of Total Eren, stated that the project “is the fruit of the company’s dedication to establish itself as an important player in the renewables sector in Brazil.”
The works are already in progress and the forecast is for the plants to start operating in the end of the first semester of 2019.
About Total Eren
Total Eren is an Independent Energy Producer, a subsidiary of Eren Groupe dedicated to renewable energy and founded in 2012.
In 2017, Total acquired 23% of indirect shares in Eren with the possibility of taking over after 5 years. Its global portfolio exceeds 1 GW in wind, solar and water energy, in operation or under construction.
The company’s goal is to reach, by 2023, an installed capacity of over 3 GW at a global level. Its development strategy is focused on emerging countries, where the response to the growing demand for energy is economically viable, especially in countries of Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Latin America.
About Eren do Brasil
Eren do Brasil is a subsidiary of Total Eren. Attracted by the potential of renewable energy in Brazil, Eren Groupe established a subsidiary headquartered in São Paulo in 2013. Eren do Brasil has 17 French and Brazilian employees.
The company has been developing an extensive knowledge of the Brazilian energy market, in addition to having assisted the entrance of Total Eren into the Argentine energy market. In July 2018, Total, Total Eren and Petrobras signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together in the development of renewable energy projects.